
South Berkeley Specific Plan

South Berkeley Specific Plan


A proposal for the South Berkeley Specific Plan, presented to the City of Berkeley, California, on behalf of my team in Professor Elizabeth Macdonald’s Plan Preparation Studio. I contributed analysis, design strategy, and a 3D model of the site.

The southernmost point of Adeline Street's public right-of-way in Berkeley is wider than a football field. My proposal to the city included the transformation of this dramatic surplus of vehicle space into entirely new city blocks flanked by two smaller streets on either side. In addition to re-establishing a human scale to the area, the proposal would create approximately 290 housing units and 40 retail spaces. In fiscal terms, the transformation would turn an unnecessary maintenance expense into a net positive for the City of Berkeley through the sale of parcels and subsequent property taxes garnered.

Beyond the infill-block concept, my contributions to the larger proposal included the creation of a 3D model of South Berkeley, which allowed our team vastly greater flexibility in testing competing design concepts.

See full proposal here.

Site Analysis

CP208 Urban Form Analysis copy.png

Design Guidelines

design guidelines.png

Site Proposals

09. Oregon Site Board 1 FINAL.png
11. Ashby Site Board 1 FINAL.png
13. Lorin Site Board 1 of 2.png